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Atex: European directive for safety in hazardous areas. Zones 1 and 2 concern gaseous environments, with 1 being the most hazardous. Zones 21 and 22 concern dust environments, with 21 being more risky.
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ES 14 RS SW - 1m | Switch with press knob
£ 134,00
Product code: SE203329
ES 14 RT - 1m | Push button switch
£ 134,00
Product code: SE200432
Ex 14 QRSKUV - 5m | Position switch, Ex
£ 239,00
Product code: SE500907
Ex 14 RSTA 0 < I - 1m | Position switch, Ex
£ 191,00
Product code: SE501182
Ex BF 80 2 LM/DDT LED/1ÖS -60°C | Ex command device
£ 315,00
Product code: SE501711
RF BF 74 RK SW915 with energy generator | Wireless commandswitch
Product code: SE804279
BF 74-1 | Enclosure for 1 actuator
 Delivery time on request
Product code: SE804180
BF 74-2 | Enclosure for 2 actuators
 Delivery time on request
Product code: SE804181
BF 74-3 | Enclosure for 3 actuators
 Delivery time on request
Product code: SE804182
ES 14 RSSA 13 - 1m | Key switch
 Delivery time on request
£ 193,00
Product code: SE200422
ES 14 RSSA 14 - 1m | Key switch
 Delivery time on request
£ 193,00
Product code: SE200423
ES 14 RSSA 15 - 1m | Key switch
 Delivery time on request
£ 193,00
Product code: SE200424
ES 14 RSTB I>0<II - 1m | Switch 1 > 0 < II
 Delivery time on request
£ 147,00
Product code: SE200431
ES 14 RTM - 1m | Push button switch
 Delivery time on request
£ 142,00
Product code: SE200433
ES 14 RUV - 1m | Position switch with safety function
£ 154,00
Product code: SE200434
ES 14 RWA 0 - I - 1m | Switch 0 < I
 Delivery time on request
£ 144,00
Product code: SE200435
ES 14 RWA I - II - 1m | Switch I < II
 Delivery time on request
£ 144,00
Product code: SE200436
ES 14 RWB I - 0 - II - 1m | Switch 1 - 0 - II
£ 144,00
Product code: SE200437
Ex 14 QRBUVSE 2Ö - 3m | Position switch, Ex
£ 305,00
Product code: SE501698
Ex 14 QRSKUVSE 1Ö/1S - 1m | Position switch, Ex
£ 325,00
Product code: SE501699
Ex 14 QRSKUVSE 2Ö - 3m | Position switch, Ex
£ 345,00
Product code: SE501700
Ex 14 QRSRUV - 1m | Position switch, Ex
 Delivery time on request
£ 197,00
Product code: SE500893
Ex 14 RS SW - 1m | Position switch, Ex
 Delivery time on request
£ 173,00
Product code: SE501604
Ex 14 RSSA 12 - 1m | Position switch, Ex
 Delivery time on request
£ 239,00
Product code: SE501184
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